Public Random Number Generator allows anyone to settle agreements requiring a random element without any counterparty. You just have to decide on the future Roll ID that will settle the agreement and then you wait until the Roll ID is revealed.
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Rolling In 2 Seconds
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Latest Roll
1 to 100
Rolled 28 Seconds Ago
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Rolling In 5 Minutes
Rolling In 15 Minutes
Rolling In 30 Minutes
Rolling In 1 Hour
Rolling In 6 Hours
Rolling In 24 Hours
Roll History
250216-361 > 86 58 Seconds Ago
250216-360 > 15 1 Minute Ago
250216-359 > 79 1 Minute Ago
250216-358 > 10 2 Minutes Ago
250216-357 > 52 2 Minutes Ago
250216-356 > 75 3 Minutes Ago
250216-355 > 53 3 Minutes Ago
250216-354 > 81 4 Minutes Ago
250216-353 > 11 4 Minutes Ago
250216-352 > 75 5 Minutes Ago
250216-351 > 64 5 Minutes Ago
250216-350 > 89 6 Minutes Ago
250216-349 > 55 6 Minutes Ago
250216-348 > 58 7 Minutes Ago
250216-347 > 71 7 Minutes Ago
250216-346 > 61 8 Minutes Ago
250216-345 > 21 8 Minutes Ago
250216-344 > 2 9 Minutes Ago
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Advanced Algorithm
PublicRNG uses an advanced algorithm beyond the default random function to provide a truly random result.
Fair & Balanced
Our system does not advantage any party. No one is able to predict the results, not even the administrator!
Service Value
You can't beat the price, it's free! On top of that, we keep ads to a minimum to maintain clean pages.
By using this service, you agree to not hold liable for any loss or damages. If you have any suggestions, questions or comments, you may always send an e-mail to the administrator.